
While the FDLRS library is physically hosted at the Educational Services Facility in Viera, our materials are listed in the online Follett Destiny library management system so that you can easily search our holdings. It is not necessary to log in to the Follett library to search for books.  

Search the FDLRS East Library

How to search and check out items from the library:
  1. Search for an item (by keyword, title, author, subject or series).
  2. From the search results, click on the title of the item that you are interested in checking out.
  3. The “title details” page opens. On this page you can read the annotation and  see whether or not the item is currently available.
  4. Copy the Bar Code Number (7 digit number-if listed) and the title of the item.
  5. Then, use the link below to request your desired items.  FDLRS/East Staff will make arrangements with you regarding how to receive the requested materials.

FDLRS East Library Checkout Request Form

Library Policies & Procedures

There are both professional and student use materials available for check out. Materials may be requested in person, by email, or by phone. Special assistance for selecting materials is available from FDLRS East Resource Teachers, upon request. Materials can be sent to Brevard district teachers through the school courier.

The library is open on school days from 8:00 am- 4:00 pm by appointment only.  

What are the loan policies?
  • Materials are loaned primarily for preview purposes, demonstration, trial-use, and evaluation.
  • Materials are NOT consumable. Participants may NOT write in the materials.
  • By request, materials not immediately available may be placed on reserve.

Who can check out materials?

Anyone who serves exceptional students in Brevard or Volusia including:

  • Public school teachers
  • Private school teachers
  • Private and community agency personnel
  • Parents of exceptional students
  • University students
How long can I keep the materials?
  • Most materials - 9 weeks
  • DVDs - 1 week
  • NOTE: All materials loaned are subject to recall on an "as needed" basis by FDLRS.
How many items can I check out?
  • Brevard and Volusia Public School Teachers - 15 items
  • All others - 5 items